Friday, May 29, 2009

DONE! Doger and Me

Pictures of us never come out well, but this is what I got.

before it was over


Mixed feelings of joy and sadness embody me at the moment. I am so happy that this year is over however, where am I going? where am I going to end up?.....This is the the reason I couldn't fall asleep last night. One step at a time eh?..I can try to do all the things I wanted to but I also want to get my foot started in my career..glaaaa....Maybe I'll just go to vegas...

Sara Bareilles - Vegas:

Gonna sell my car and go to Vegas
'Cause somebody told me
That's where dreams would be
Gonna sell my car and go to Vegas
Finally see my name upon the Palace marquis

Gonna quit my job and move to New York
'Cause somebody told me that's where
Dreamers should go
Gonna quit my job and move to New York
And tattoo my body with every Broadway show.

Listen up now honey, you're gonna be sorry
Can't get out from under a sky that is falling
And you say
No fame no money I'm nobody
The way I'm running has sure got me down
On my knees.
But next stop, Vegas please.
Gotta get to Vegas
Can you take me to Vegas?

Gonna sell my house and cross the border
'Cause somebody told me dreams live in Mexico
Gonna sell my house I got to lose ten pounds
And cross the border
And make sweet love upon the white sandy shore.

Listen up now honey, you're gonna be sorry
Can't get out from under a sky that is falling
And you say
No fame no money I'm nobody
The way I'm running has sure got me down
On my knees.
But next stop, Vegas please.

It's always just around the corner or you're
On your way to somewhere
That is bigger or better...
If you could only get there
It's never your fault you can't start your
Own winning streak
But I'd hate to lose you to the fortune you seek

I'm gonna lose my mind and sail the ocean.
'Cause somebody told me there were
Cherry blue skies
I'm gonna fix my mind with a final destination
And have a deep sleep upon a sweet dream
I'll never

Listen up now honey, you're gonna be sorry
Can't get out from under a sky that is falling
And you say
No fame no money I'm nobody
The way I'm running has sure got me down
On my knees.
Next stop, Vegas please.
Can you take me to Vegas?

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Dark Comics

Some cool comics/shows to check out -->

Invader Zim:

Johnny the Homicidal Maniac :

My experience with photography so far..

I am a Toronto based photographer, I would like to say artist, but that all depends on your definition of photography.

This year I went through the first photography course that I have ever taken and it was considered an introduction photography class for non majors. Because of this non major fact, we were unable to use any of the facilities that usual photography majors use. We did not have access to a studio, lighting equipment (no soft box & no umbrellas) or a dark room. We were given a demonstration on lighting, including strobe lighting and we were also given reflectors to use. It kind of sucked because this was only one class and we did not actually get to use lighting equipment. So ultimately the only experience I have is my history of taking photographs with a point and shoot and this year, shooting with my DSLR. I have an old film camera that I want to use but I'm thinking that when I learn more about film photography, I'll start using that camera.

As for photoshop which is considered to be the dark room for digital on PC, I have been teaching myself and do not have any formal education on the program. I want to take some classes on photography that will give me exposure to various equipment and also on photoshop which will hopefully teach me some tricks that I do not know. Perhaps I will try working for a studio first.

I was approach by a photographer who saw my first lanscape photos and liked them. He gave me his website and was very enthusiastic. His company specializes in occasions and weddings. I think that this might be a great opportunity but at the same time, I would really like to learn do in studio work first.

The world is an empty place

In homage to Lorna Simpson

Messing around in this pic..

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

girly layout

So this background is kinda girly but the best that i could find right now...gotta get bak to work

I want to make my own layout :(

I want to make my own layout and I know how to scam html code, but I don't know how to actually write codes or anything..And I think I've forgotten how to scam html code now too im pretty much screwed. Found a website but It helps you with your blog programs and since this isnt a program, Im thinking it wont help.. booo im so unenthused and procrastinating on this thesis........................................................ and no bodies reading well

In the Bush to a raising money for Colon Cancer Research

This land was pretty plain and boring but I tried to put my spin on it..

First try at Scenes

Since MSN has started this scenes layout thingy, I decided to try making my own scenes. These are my first tries. I tried a pastel light theme, then darker themes, and then my name.

Movies of the Week

So you can either love my taste or hate it but I'm going to post what I recommend to watch. These are 3 Italian films that are very good and make you think about life:

Life is Beautiful
Bread and Tulips

Hi to the Low

Hello doooooders!

so I finished a portfolio, wrote an exam and finished an essay, but it's not over yet. Still have to write this study from my psych 4170 class. Man this honours thesis class is a drag, just keeps going and going and going, and working and working and working. Friday is the hand in date, then I'm done for this year, and for a while. What am I going to do next year, well maybe take a photo class like I did this year, it was pretty fun and I learned a bunch of stuff. Even though it was only one class it did teach me a lot so I'm thinking a little more time might teach me a whole lot more. I want big things for this summer, but lets take it one day at a time, I'm already 2 months late into it. Maybe I'll take it easy for a bit.