Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Hi to the Low

Hello doooooders!

so I finished a portfolio, wrote an exam and finished an essay, but it's not over yet. Still have to write this study from my psych 4170 class. Man this honours thesis class is a drag, just keeps going and going and going, and working and working and working. Friday is the hand in date, then I'm done for this year, and for a while. What am I going to do next year, well maybe take a photo class like I did this year, it was pretty fun and I learned a bunch of stuff. Even though it was only one class it did teach me a lot so I'm thinking a little more time might teach me a whole lot more. I want big things for this summer, but lets take it one day at a time, I'm already 2 months late into it. Maybe I'll take it easy for a bit.

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