Monday, December 21, 2009

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

My New Blog

This is where I have been posting my new comments and stuff. I have transferred some of the stuff from here onto my new blog.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Adam Lambert on the AMAs

I already put a link onto J-Lo's fall at the AMA's what I wasn't aware of was the "controversy" surrounding Adam Lambert's performance. He kisses a guy, which in my opinion is no different than what Madonna, Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera did in the past. He is gay and that's no big deal. Maybe we are used to seeing females kiss on television and music videos as well, but since they don't really show males kissing on television and music videos people are probably going to talk more about it. This is kind of stupid since it's a double standard. He does hump the faces of some dancers which I don't think has been done on awards shows. If this was his concert then I think it would be less of a big deal because Madonna does simulations of sex etc. at her concerts and again it would be his show. His persona has been sorta out there, but so is Lady Gaga's. Some of his performance was edited out because of his actions. I really don't think his performance was any different than any other's really. Maybe it's just our double standard. The only thing that kind of got me was the humping of the faces because I personally have not seen any artist doing that on stage. Maybe it has been done before but I doubt it. Again his performance for me is no big deal and it's not because I don't like him but because it's shock value and it has all been done before and will keep being done till the next "outrageous" thing.

This is his performance:

Late for halloween

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


It seems that Christmas has been absent in our house for a couple of years now. All of a sudden my house is Christmassy with decorations everywhere. There are candy- canes, bells, lights outside and inside, garland and 2 mini Christmas tree. This is a little intense. Oh and a penguin, tree and bell things that sing. Actually that one is my favourite one. Kind of weird :S

My Life in a Box

Mike Vick and the dogs. aftermath.

Mike Vick can play football again and has been an advocate against animal cruelty after his charge. Part of his sentence was that he could never own a dog again. He said that he hopes one day that he can own a dog again, especially since his children want a dog. The organization that was allowed to take in Mike Vick's dogs asked him if he would like to see the dogs and after a couple of days he decided not to see them. I know they are just dogs, they aren't humans, I know they won't understand apologizing or remorse, but for himself, to see what else these dogs could be (other than fighters) it would make sense to. If he wasn't caught or charged I don't think that he would have advocated against dog fighting and it would have just continued.
This is just a clip of when they got the dogs and what the organization had to say about them.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Animal MMA?

Puppy vs. Kitty

Dog vs. cat

Pete Burns

Remember in that post about plastic surgery how I said the rest of the celebs were of no interest, well I guess I lied. It's Hailey Duff that isn't the interesting celeb. So this is the guy that sings the remix of You Spin me Right Round (like a Record) and I think his version is featured on the Wedding Singer soundtrack (which is a great movie). So this was a recent picture taken of him with a cigarette.

*WARNING* partially naked male genitalia

I must warn you that the next picture is kind of disturbing. I do not have anything against transgendered people or anyone really. I just found it odd that he is naked on one side and that he's doing this in front of, on top of and behind the crowd.

J-Lo falls

J-Lo puts on a performance at the American Music Awards. Her performance was boxing inspired and while doing a dance move, she lands on her butt momentarily. She then spring ups and continues like nothing happened. It is not a noticeable fumble but it still happened.

J-Lo Falls On Stage
J-Lo Falls On Stage

Vanessa Hudgens is naked again..

Okay, so I'm late on this news but who really cares about Vanessa Hudgens. Like really, she's done a couple high school musicals, sang a horrible single on the family network and yea she's pretty but so are a lot of other people who are also talentless and naked. After those first pics she said that she is guarded and blah blah (from what I've read, and what's been quoted by her) but this shows that with experience and age, some people just don't get smarter.

Tons of people take naked pics or semi-naked pics of themselves but no one really cares until that person gets famous. She was already famous and very young when the first ones came out, so what gives??

I read that they are filming the next high school musical, so is this a publicity stunt? I don't think that makes sense because she is in a Disney money and usually Disney cares about their wholesome image but who knows.

Everyone's seen her naked before, it's really no big deal. Sure she should do what she wants. If you want to take pictures of yourself on your blackberry the third time, just make sure...oh wait she did take pictures of herself naked on her blackberry...that's how the second wave got leaked.

Well then maybe since she's famous (for some reason) and this happened to her twice now she should stop taking pictures. People not in the public eye take them too, but mass people are not interested because they aren't anybody.

Or maybe she should just pose for playboy and be done with it.

It's all old news anyway.

Glassjaw - Ape Dos Mil

This is the video for Ape Dos Mil by Glassjaw:

Some surgeries

These are some celebrities that have had surgery to alter their looks. I was watching the new Lady Gaga video and her nose looks different from the one that I remember her having. I stumbled across the Alicia key's apparent nose surgery. I had no idea that she had surgery because when she was introduced into the public eye, she had already had the procedure. Maybe she didn't have the procedure but here's a picture. She looks young in this picture but the nose is definitely different. You can read the article on:

The other celebrities posted are also just one's that I stumbled onto but aren't really of interest to me.

Alicia key's nose job

Lady Gaga's nose

Haylie Duff's nose

Pete Burns

Perfectly Subjectivity

These Amstaffs are soo cute! : )

This is funny

Brutto Mucco

Cute puppy


Weird noises from this cat


I finally got lightroom!! YAY..Now I have to figure out how to use it. It looks not as difficult as photoshop was to figure out..But we will see, or I will see. I've also got to work on an exam so maybe I'll have an image to post and maybe not.

I'm going to leave this message with missing the sun and the beaches. A song from an Italian artist called Brusco "Sotto I Raggi Del Sole" (Under the sun's rays).

This one by him is cute too: Brusco - Amami Amami

Monday, November 16, 2009

the weather is warm, but it's sending me shivers

for lack of better words..."Lacking solid"..thx Jafar.

MGMT - kids

I like MGMT. I saw the first version to their song kids and it was alright. This one's a lot better though :)

i love this guy...

msn piss off!!

While I'm in class I decide to sign into msn because I'm on break and I need to entertain myself some how. I do my normal thing but I MUST update msn or I can't log in. Fine I do this but I don't check mark anything. Now I can't get onto the internet. Google won't load with my firefox. Of course this window was open before, so I can write on here. But this is honestly very very frustrating!!!

Saturday, November 7, 2009


W. Eugene Smith
Tomoko Uemura in Her Bath
Minamata, 1972

The Minamata Incident

"The benefits of a diet rich in fish outweigh risks of mercury poisoning, say researchers who studied the children of mothers exposed to methyl mercury during pregnancy. The researchers are calling for action from policy makers. Methyl mercury bioaccumulates in fish and is a neurotoxin, causing schizophrenia, depression and bipolar disease. The worst known incident of widespread mercury poisoning was seen in Minamata Bay, Japan. Those most affected were unborn children of women who were pregnant at the time of the poisoning

This photo, by William Eugene Smith, shows 'an outwardly healthy mother bathing her foetal-poisoned 16 year old daughter, Tomoko Uemura, physically crippled since birth due to environmental industrial mercury poisoning in the local Minamata, Japan, water supply'. es110/eswebsite/Projects Spring03/ebarker/Minamata%20Web%20Page.htm

684 people suffered mercury poisoning, 115 died from this terrible incident."

This article was taken from:

Agent Orange

Some pictures were taken from:

This is article was taken from:

Brutal daily reality: agent Orange Continues to Poison Vietnam and the US remains apathetic to the plight of the people affected

By Cohn, Marjorie
Marjorie Cohn’s ZSpace Page

From 1961 to 1971, the U.S. military sprayed Vietnam with Agent Orange, which contained large quantities of Dioxin, in order to defoliate the trees for military objectives. Dioxin is one of the most dangerous chemicals known to man. It has been recognized by the World Health Organization as a carcinogen (causes cancer) and by the American Academy of Medicine as a teratogen (causes birth defects).

Between 2.5 and 4.8 million people were exposed to Agent Orange. 1.4 billion hectares of land and forest – approximately 12 percent of the land area of Vietnam – were sprayed.

The Vietnamese who were exposed to the chemical have suffered from cancer, liver damage, pulmonary and heart diseases, defects to reproductive capacity, and skin and nervous disorders. Children and grandchildren of those exposed have severe physical deformities, mental and physical disabilities, diseases, and shortened life spans. The forests and jungles in large parts of southern Vietnam have been devastated and denuded. They may never grow back and if they do, it will take 50 to 200 years to regenerate. Animals that inhabited the forests and jungles have become extinct, disrupting the communities that depended on them. The rivers and underground water in some areas have also been contaminated. Erosion and desertification will change the environment, contributing to the warming of the planet and dislocation of crop and animal life.

The U.S. government and the chemical companies knew that Agent Orange, when produced rapidly at high temperatures, would contain large quantities of Dioxin. Nevertheless, the chemical companies continued to produce it in this manner. The U.S. government and the chemical companies also knew that the Bionetics Study, commissioned by the government in 1963, showed that even low levels of Dioxin produced significant deformities in unborn offspring of laboratory animals. But they suppressed that study and continued to spray Vietnam with Agent Orange. It wasn’t until the study was leaked in 1969 that the spraying of Agent Orange was discontinued.

U.S. soldiers who served in Vietnam have experienced similar illnesses. After they sued the chemical companies, including Dow and Monsanto, that manufactured and sold Agent Orange to the government, the case settled out of court for $180 million which gave few plaintiffs more than a few thousand dollars each. Later the U.S. veterans won a legislative victory for compensation for exposure to Agent Orange. They receive $1.52 billion per year in benefits.

But when the Vietnamese victims of Agent Orange sued the chemical companies in federal court, U.S. District Judge Jack Weinstein dismissed the lawsuit, concluding that Agent Orange did not constitute a poison weapon prohibited by the Hague Convention of 1907. Weinstein had reportedly told the chemical companies when they settled the U.S. veterans’ suit that their liability was over and he was making good on his promise. His dismissal was affirmed by the Second Circuit Court of Appeals and the Supreme Court refused to hear the case. The chemical companies admitted in their filing in the Supreme Court that the harm alleged by the victims was foreseeable although not intended. How can something that is foreseeable be unintended?

On May 15 and 16 of this year, the International Peoples’ Tribunal of Conscience in Support of the Vietnamese Victims of Agent Orange convened in Paris and heard testimony from 27 victims, witnesses and scientific experts. Seven people from three continents served as judges of the Tribunal, which was sponsored by the International Association of Democratic Lawyers (IADL).

Testimony given by the witnesses showed the following:

Mai Giang Vu, a member of the Army of South Vietnam, carried barrels of the chemicals on his back. His two sons could not walk or function normally, their limbs gradually “curled up” and they could only crawl. They died at the ages of 23 and 25.

Pham The Minh, whose parents also served in the South Vietnamese Army, showed the Tribunal his severely deformed, crooked, skinny legs; he has great difficulty walking, as well as digestive and pulmonary diseases.

To Nga Tran is a French Vietnamese who worked as a journalist during the spraying. Her daughter weighed 6.6 pounds at the age of three months. Her skin began shredding and she could not bear to have skin contact or simple demonstrations of love. She died at 17 months, weighing 6.6 pounds. Ms. To described a woman who gave birth to a “ball” with no human form. Many children are born without brains; others make inhuman sounds.

Rosemarie Hohn Mizo is the widow of George Mizo, who served in the U.S. Army in Vietnam in 1967. He slept on contaminated ground and consumed food and drink that were also contaminated. George refused to serve after he was wounded for the third time; he was court-martialed and sentenced to 2-1/2 years in prison and a dishonorable discharge. George helped found the Friendship Village where Vietnamese victims live in a supportive environment. He died from conditions related to his exposure to Agent Orange.

Georges Doussin, co-founder of the Friendship Village, visited a dormitory where he saw 50 highly deformed “monsters,” who produced inhuman sounds. One man whose parent had been exposed to Agent Orange had four toes on each foot. Doussin said Agent Orange creates “total anarchy in evolution.”

Dr. Nguyen Thi Ngoc Phuong, from Tu Du Hospital in Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon), sees many children born without arms and/or legs, without heads or faces, and without a brain chamber. According to the World Health Organization, only 1 – 4 parts per trillion (PPT) of Dioxin in breast milk can cause severe deformities in fetuses and even death. But up to 1450 PPT are found in maternal milk in Vietnam.

Dr. Jeanne Stellman, who wrote the seminal article about Agent Orange in the magazine Nature, testified that “this is the largest unstudied environmental disaster in the world (except for natural disasters).”

Dr. Jean Grassman, from Brooklyn College at City University of New York, testified that Dioxin is a potent cellular disregulator which alters a variety of pathways to disrupt many systems. Children, she said, are very sensitive to Dioxin; the intrauterine or post natal exposure to Dioxin may result in altered immune, neurobehavioral, and hormonal functioning. Women pass their exposure to their children both in utero and through the excretion of Dioxin in breast milk.

Many ecosystems have been destroyed and Dioxin continues to poison Vietnam, especially in the several “hot spots.”

Chemist Dr. Pierre Vermeulin testified that it was estimated that $1 billion would be required to restore one hectare of land in Vietnam. The cost of caring for the victims, many of whom need 24-hour care, is enormous.

In 1973, President Richard Nixon promised $3.25 billion in reconstruction aid to Vietnam “without any preconditions.” That aid was never granted.

There are only 11 Friendship Villages in Vietnam; 1000 are needed to care for the child victims of Agent Orange.

Last week, the Bureau of the IADL, meeting in Hanoi, presented President Nguyen Minh Triet of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam with the final decision of the Tribunal. The judges found the U.S. government and the chemical companies guilty of war crimes, crimes against humanity, and ecocide during the illegal U.S. war of aggression in Vietnam. We recommended that the Agent Orange Commission be established in Vietnam to assess the damages suffered by the people and destruction of the environment, and that the U.S. government and the chemical companies provide compensation for the damage and destruction.

I told the President that it always struck me that even as U.S. bombs were dropping on the people of Vietnam, they always distinguished between the American government and the American people. The President responded, “We fought the forces of aggression but we always reserved our love for the people of America . . . because we knew they always supported us.”

An estimated 3 million Vietnamese people were killed in the war, which also claimed 58,000 American lives. For many other Vietnamese and U.S. veterans and their families, the war continues to take its toll.

Several treaties the United States has ratified require an effective remedy for violations of human rights. It is time to make good on Nixon’s promise and remedy the terrible wrong the U.S. government perpetrated on the people of Vietnam. Congress must pass legislation to compensate the Vietnamese victims of Agent Orange as it did for the U.S. Vietnam veteran victims.

Our government must know that it cannot continue to use weapons that target and harm civilians. Indeed, the U.S. military is using depleted uranium in Iraq and Afghanistan, which will poison those countries for incalculable decades.

Marjorie Cohn, a professor at Thomas Jefferson School of Law and president of the National Lawyers Guild, served as a judge on the International Peoples’ Tribunal of Conscience in Support of the Vietnamese Victims of Agent Orange. She is a member of the Bureau of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers, and co-author of “Rules of Disengagement: The Politics and Honor of Military Dissent.”

Monday, November 2, 2009

Why would you get this tattooed??

If you know me, you know that I love piercings and tattoos and that I am a very open minded person. If you didn't know that, now you do. Everyone can and will do what they want, but why would you get this tattooed?? Maybe as a joke, or maybe because you're in love with your computer? Either way it's cool that this person got the tattoo, but the question that I would like answered is why?

Eye Ball Tattoo Wow....

This man had the white of his eye balls tattooed blue. The links are articles.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Fall has arrived

Picture Me Perfect Studio

This photo was taken at a photo studio that a friend of mine just opened. The studio is called Picture Me Perfect.

a girl with Kaleidoscope eyes